Al Petrillo
AI is the former CEO and President of Jefferies Execution Services, Inc. the NYSE Brokerage affiliate of the investment bank, Jefferies & Jefferies & Co. Inc.
Prior to assuming the CEO position, AI served as the Chief Administrative Officer of Jefferies
Execution Services orchestrating the conversion of electronic trading platforms at the NYSE. As
a facilitator of change, AI was instrumental in helping both the NYSE and Jefferies adapt to the new demands of electronic trading of NYSE securities. Al’s understanding of the Operations component of securities trading enhanced the process of adapting to a new way of trading securities, creating both value and revenue generation opportunities for Jefferies.
Al’s skill strength lies in understanding how a cohesive operations and technology platform combine to formulate a solid business model to maximize revenue and build resiliency in the business platform.
AI has also developed a keen sense for business survival and disaster planning during his Operations Control position at Morgan Stanley.
AI was the principal architect of Morgan Stanley’s operational disaster planning after the 1993 bombing of the 2 WTC garage and created the plan foundation that was used after the 9/11 terrorist attack at the WTC.
Prior to 1987, AI worked as an International Branch implementation Manager at Bankers Trust Company (Deutsche Bank). In this position, AI was responsible for building the operational components of foreign branch units of Bankers Trust on several continents.