Our unique selling point is our global network of 150 senior executives who are ready to share their knowledge and success strategies with our clients. 
Our CXO network comprises executives from various global locations, encompassing diverse CXO roles (e.g., CFO, CMO, COO, CIO, CDO, CTO, CPO, CISO). They possess extensive experience across FTSE/Fortune 100 to mid-sized companies, spanning various sectors and industries.
We offer our simulators in seven different languages, ensuring broad accessibility.
These CXOs actively participate in our business simulators, either managing, playing CXO roles, or coaching, while also providing additional Youd Andrews Services. They contribute to the development of our Youd Andrews 6Cs framework, coaching materials, and case studies used in our simulators.
Each network member boasts substantial CXO-level experience and holds coaching qualifications, making them well-equipped to guide and coach effectively.